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Privacy policy

Privacy policy

Data protection is a particularly high priority for our company and our employees. The use of the website is generally possible without providing any personal data.

The following data protection declaration informs you about the type of data that is collected, stored and processed on our website and how we guarantee the protection and security of your personal data.


1. principle of anonymous data use

In principle, it is possible to use our website without providing personal data. If you make use of certain services or functions of our website, this may differ, e.g. if you transmit personal data to us via a form or by means of an e-mail letter in the case of an integrated function via electronic messages. The legal basis for data protection can be found in the European Data Protection Regulation (EDPR), the Federal Data Protection Act (FDP) and the Telemedia Act (TA). When you call up our website, some information is transmitted, such as IP address. They also provide information about the end device used (computer, smartphone, tablet, etc.), the browser used (Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, Chrome, etc.), the time of access to the website, the so-called referrer and transferred data volumes. When you access our website, the software of our web server reads various pieces of information that result directly from the connection between your computer and our web server. No personal data is retrieved in this process. This is general information, such as the type of browser you are using, the end device you are using (PC, smartphone, tablet, etc.) and the day or time of access. This information is logged and cannot be assigned by us to an individualised person. This data is used solely to improve the design and content of our website.

We would like to point out that in the case of transmitted IP addresses, a reference to a person is possible in principle if these are recorded without an anonymisation function. This can be the case, for example, with certain tracker software. Such software collects details on the retrieval of and access to our website and stores these for evaluation in accordance with the above-mentioned principles and makes them available to us. However, we do not use software that records non-anonymised IP addresses. We thus only collect personal data insofar as you have provided it to us by submitting it.

Such data will only be used for further purposes, e.g. for information purposes, if you have expressly consented to this, unless we are legally obliged to transmit such data to third parties. You can revoke this consent at any time. After the contract has been fully processed, the data will be blocked for further use unless you have consented to its further use. The storage of the data is otherwise carried out in accordance with any tax and commercial law periods or in accordance with other legal regulations which legally oblige us to store (save) the data. After expiry of these periods, your data will be deleted unless you have expressly consented to its further use.


2 Name and address of the person responsible

The responsible party in the sense of the basic data protection regulation applicable in the EU is:


Schneeweiss Trading Limited

Eleftheriou Venzzileou 67 

Philips Center / 3 Floor / Flat Office 301

8021 Paphos - Cyprus

Managing Director: Christian Schneeweiss

Telephone: +357 96995791




3. data protection officer / competent supervisory authority

You can reach the responsible data protection officer via the e-mail address:


4. data transmission to third parties does not transmit your data to third parties, unless

- we are legally obliged to do so, or

- the transfer of data is necessary for the execution of the contractual relationship, or

- you have expressly consented to the transfer of data.

In any case, the scope of data passed on to third parties is limited to the minimum necessary.

External service providers and partner companies only receive your data insofar as this is necessary for the execution of the contract. Insofar as our service providers come into contact with your personal data, we ensure that they comply with the provisions of the data protection laws in the same way.

You can revoke your consent to the transfer of your data for non-order-related data processing at any time. To do so, please contact the office indicated at the end of this declaration. Your revocation will then be effective for the future.


5 Cookies

Further data is stored in so-called cookies. These are files that are transmitted by us to your computer and stored there. You can prevent this by adjusting the security settings of your computer accordingly. Such an adjustment of the security settings is possible, for example, in most Internet browsers. Please contact the manufacturer or seller of your software for the relevant information.

No personal data is stored in the cookies. We only use the information contained in the cookies for statistical purposes.


6. security

We use up-to-date technical and organisational security measures to ensure the protection of your data. This includes protection against access by third parties, destruction or manipulation of data.


7. information and complaints

You have the option of receiving written information from us about the personal data we have stored about you. Upon your request, we will inform you where this data originates, to whom it is transmitted and for what purpose it is electronically processed by us. We are also at your disposal in the event of requests for information, applications or complaints:


Schneeweiss Trading Limited

Eleftheriou Venzileou 67 

Philips Center / 3 Floor / Flat Office 301

8021 Paphos - Cyprus

Managing Director: Christian Schneeweiss

Telephone: +357 96995791




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